Saturday, June 23, 2007

The Birth Warrior

I was in the bedroom, rocking my hips back and forth at the foot of the bed. Whitney put on some music for me…I think it was bluegrass and we started dancing. As we were dancing contractions were picking up in intensity. We were dancing and I was rocking my hips…then I was pacing...kind of tramping around the room with the music. Whitney was pushing down on my shoulders making my contractions more worth while...more intense. I was screaming (on the inside) “bring it on!” I was actually fighting FOR the pain. I wanted it and was determined to move things forward. I became entranced by the music and Whitney’s encouragement. I think Whitney asked me who I was…I’m not sure if she did, or why she did…possibly she was seeing some change in me. Something was coming over me. When she asked me, with or without words, who I was…I responded, “I’m A Warrior.” When prompted with “what kind?”…I declared, “A Birth Warrior!” Then she asked, “and how do you feel?” I screamed, “STRONG!” And so a birth warrior was born. This warrior would be called on to carry me through the next 30 hours. I became someone stronger, someone with more courage, more determination, more will, more power, and more strength. The birth warrior is everything I wanted to be and everything I had become.
-- Mya Thorniley

See also Birth Warrior

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