Xavier Porter Malizia was born June 18th at 8:43 PM, after a unbelievably speedy, easy home labor. The birth story to mention, in comparison, is really that of his sister's, born 4 1/2 years earlier, into the loving arms of Maria, after an arduous 36 hours of labor, only to end in the glorious triumph of having her at home in the water, both her and Mama perfectly healthy! Xavier decided to make his entrance easier on us all, and was born so fast into his Papa's and Maria's hands there was no time for the tub or a video or even for his sister to watch. We all got into the water afterwards for some lovely bonding time together as a family. Thank you to Maria for once again making this an unforgettably precious experience, and for living
only a few blocks away so she was able to make it 10 minutes before he was born!
Brook Broughton, David and Grace Malizia

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