Monday, July 31, 2017

Bèl Dezòd la

(from Dina: Hinche, Haiti)
Early this morning Maria and I took a “ti mache” (little walk) around the corner, literally. We left the Sage Femme pou Ayiti (Midwives for Haiti) house and took 2 quick rights and the most beautiful vista was right in front of us. People walked quietly to work and school while the call of cows and goats lightly filled the air.

Later that day we had our usual visit with the girls at the Orphanage. We have gotten to know them very well after 7 years so we quickly fall into our routine. Viola starts playing a very structured volleyball game which then devolves into different forms of "dezòd" (chaos): dancing to the rhythm of "the bucket", singing, patty-cake, screaming, and “ap fe blag” (making joke).

Last Friday we had our customary "ti fèt la" (little party) for the girls. We bought 120 bags of Chicos and 120 bottles of Tampico. The girls decorated the place and we played music (thanks to our driver David who lent us his "musik bwat"!). This year we brought some chalk to draw on the concrete. That activity lasted about 5 minutes before they started to use the chalk to make up their faces.  The dancing and excitement always grows as it gets darker and darker.

There are 84 girls now at Maison Fortune and they have a very strong bond. We were there to witness several of the girls returning from vacation. "Se Louvitha! Se Losuvitha!," they scream as they go running to meet one of them at the front gate. They surround her with big smiles and laughs, take her bags and walk her to her room.

It is a beautiful chaos.

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